Monday, March 31, 2025
Motor Racing

NASCAR Goes Electric? Ford Focus Electric First Electric NASCAR Pace Car

Okay, so the actual race cars aren’t going electric, but on April 28, 2012 the pace car for the Sprint Cup Richmond 400 is going to be the Ford Focus Electric.  This will be the first all-electric pace car ever used in NASCAR and could represent a big step for both electrics and NASCAR.  Your typical NASCAR fan ain’t what you’d call “environmentally friendly”,  but I remember once upon a time joking about Japanese makes running NASCAR and today there are several teams running Toyotas.  So who knows?  Maybe some day, when  the battery charging/replacement thing gets worked out, there might be a electrics whizzing around the super speedway at Daytona.


I'm one of those guys that "talks about cars too much", the history, design and engineering, I can go on forever. I finally decided blogging might be a better outlet for my obsession than dinner dates. I enjoy learning, sharing and, of course, driving!

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