Thursday, January 30, 2025

Whatever Happened to the Electric DeLorean?

Electric Delorean
Back in 2011, there was some buzz in internet car circles about a company in Texas that had taken over the DeLorean badge. The company had acquired all of the left over parts from the original DMC, and was offering “new” DeLoreans made from these parts. But what really got everybody’s attention was that this new Delorean Motor Company was going to start producing an electric version of the iconic car from the eighties and the Back to the Future movies. There were stories around the web and even a segment on ABC News about the project, and then nothing. The whole thing disappeared quietly and hasn’t been heard from again.


The DeLorean wasn’t exactly the fastest car ever produced, but it captured the imagination of car-lovers all over the world with its futuristic stainless steel body and gull-wing doors. A proper electric setup sure could have moved its 0-60mph and quarter-mile times into a more respectable range. Unfortunately, a visit to the DeLorean website doesn’t provide any answers about the electric DeLorean’s fate. There is no trace of the electric DeLorean on the website anymore, and it appears that The DeLorean Motor Company only offers parts, restoration, and pre-owned DeLoreans.

Maybe there were some unforeseen regulatory issues in trying to re-start production of a car from the early 1980’s. Regardless of what killed the idea, it would have been cool to see these cars make a come back as electrics. If anybody has any ideas or info, please drop us a comment below. Thanks for clicking on my post and don’t forget to like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter, and Google+.






I'm one of those guys that "talks about cars too much", the history, design and engineering, I can go on forever. I finally decided blogging might be a better outlet for my obsession than dinner dates. I enjoy learning, sharing and, of course, driving!

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